I colori, i tessuti, le fantasie, tutto estremamente M-E-R-A-V-I-G-L-I-O-S-O!
Ovviamente mi sarei comprata l'intero negozio (compreso il reparto piccoli :D le tutine erano qualcosa di favoloso), ma il mio budget limitato mi ha permesso solo di pensare ai regali di Natale, così me ne sono dovuta andare, sì a mani piene, ma non per me -.- Ho fiducia nei regali che mi faranno, non si sa mai :D
Così ho pensato, per chi ancora non avesse avuto l'onore di vederla, di postarvi le foto della nuova collezione.
Pronte per rimanere incantate? Via!
(Yesterday I was at Benetton and I love the new collection A / W 2010-2011 *.*
The colors, fabrics, patterns, all very WONDERFUL!
Obviously I would have bought the entire store (including the smalldepartment: D rompers were the next best thing), but my budgetonly allowed me to think about Christmas presents, so I had to go, yes to his hands full , but not for me -.- I trust the gifts that I do,you never know: D
So I thought, for those who still had not had the honor of seeing her, to post photos of the new collection.
Ready to be enchanted? Go!)
Obviously I would have bought the entire store (including the smalldepartment: D rompers were the next best thing), but my budgetonly allowed me to think about Christmas presents, so I had to go, yes to his hands full , but not for me -.- I trust the gifts that I do,you never know: D
So I thought, for those who still had not had the honor of seeing her, to post photos of the new collection.
Ready to be enchanted? Go!)
Bye Bye. See you soon.
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