Una bambina di 10 anni che può già essere definita una star: a ottobre del 2010 debutta come cantante (con il singolo Whip My Hair), mentre nel 2007 la vediamo recitare accando al papà nel film Io sono leggenda.
Una bambina che fa parlare di sè non solo per la sua "carriera professionale", ma anche per il suo look stravagante.
Infatti, Willow sfoggia pettinature ed abiti davvero futuristici, se così si possono definire.
Un esempio? Beh, ve ne propongo più di uno:
(Willow Camille Reign Smith, or the daughter of the famous (and
sexyssimo) actor Will Smith
A 10 year old that can already be called a star: in Octoberin 2010 he debuted as a singer (with the single Whip My Hair), while in2007 we see it happens slowly recite the father in the movie I Am Legend.
A child who does not talk about him only for his "careerprofessional, but also for its extravagant look.In fact, Willow sporting hairstyles and clothes really futuristic, if socan be defined.
An example? Well, I will propose more than one:)
(Willow Camille Reign Smith, or the daughter of the famous (and
sexyssimo) actor Will Smith
A 10 year old that can already be called a star: in Octoberin 2010 he debuted as a singer (with the single Whip My Hair), while in2007 we see it happens slowly recite the father in the movie I Am Legend.
A child who does not talk about him only for his "careerprofessional, but also for its extravagant look.In fact, Willow sporting hairstyles and clothes really futuristic, if socan be defined.
An example? Well, I will propose more than one:)
Nulla da dire sulla sua bellezza: la trovo stupenda *-*
(Nothing to say about her beauty: I find it amazing *-*)
Bye Bye. See you soon.